Testimonials from past Georgia Fund recipients

“The Georgia Fund has been a huge blessing in my life. I now feel better equipped to deal with life's challenges.”

“Therapy helped me realize that what happened to me was not my fault and that I am a good mother. ”

“My sessions allowed me my first moments of ‘me time’ as a mom. Moments to actual reflect and think through with expert guidance. It provided me with clarity and confidence.”

“My therapist held space for me in whatever way I needed. She helped me sort through feelings and see through the fog. I appreciated her expertise as a therapist and an experienced mom. I never felt judged or stupid, I always felt understood and supported.

“Therapy helped me mentally and physically. It helped me learn how to control my intrusive thoughts and helped me get through those dark days. It saved my life.”

“I was given tools to identify my overwhelm, anxiety, and experience. With the support and knowing that I'm not crazy or alone. Having access to therapy was my safe haven. I knew if I had a challenging experience, that I'd be able to discuss it with a professional who listened, cared, and helped me explore the deeper reasonings.”

“My therapist saved me from going into a dark place, something I’ll be forever grateful for. There are no amount of words to describe how much this has helped my life.”

“Postpartum wellness for Black and Brown parents is such a necessary luxury that many families aren’t afforded. I had to take advantage of the opportunity. I enjoyed dialoguing with a professional without bias.”

“This program is needed and I can not imagine where I would be without the help that I received.”

“I was in a space where I was questioning my ability to continue being a mother. I wanted to give up and walk away from all the overwhelm and feeling of ‘not enough.’ When my friend told me about the Georgia Fund, I knew immediately that I needed the help and support and it was one of the best decisions I made.”

“My therapist helped me normalize my grief and pain after losing my son. She helped me walk through the steps of grief on my own timeline and all in a gentle guiding way.” 

“I have been immensely helped by the Georgia Fund! Accessing so many sessions for so many months has been such a blessing and helpful to keep my family's funds balanced through this difficult financial time.”